
So I wanted to keep random things here that I like.  Like quotes and poems and links.  And then I realized that no matter how cool things were, that adding poems and quotes here made me seem like a douche nozzle (sorry Phebe).  So no quotes or poems.  Even though I'm a complete dork and have some doozies.  So I'll be cooler and just do links.  

On that note, I love Tina Fey.  I do.  But totally not in a gay way.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  Oh, shizz (see Phebe, I'm trying!).  I'll stop now.


Also, I love Robert Pattinson.  In a gay way.  And the ladies at RAoR and Twitarded.  Not in a gay way.  OK then.  Hope that's clear.



Also, I love my husband.  Should say that.  OK, bracing myself for the hate.  Why do I care?  I'm not sure.

Also I love Hyperbole and a Half and really really like The Bloggess (not ready to go all in with her yet, though, for some reason).  They make me laugh (as do the Twi/Rob bloggers, really).



Holy crap, this in no way is cooler.  Hmm.  Keeping this, though.

Update 8/18/2010 - Wait, is this a blogroll?  Yup, I guess it is.  Hey!  I just used a "cool" term for something.  Weird!

Update 9/1/2010 - I have to include this poem.  But it's in link form, which makes it ok.  It's maybe my favorite poem, but, you know, I haven't been exposed to that much, so don't judge.  The Red Dress by Dorothy Parker.  I was going to include it in the dedication page of my chemistry PhD thesis, but thought it sent the wrong message to the department.  Wish I had, because, within a year of finishing that thesis, I stopped doing chemistry research all together.  Without further ado:


Update 10/6/2010 - More for the blogroll!  I found some freakin high-larious blogs via the Bloggess.  She rules.  I'm going all in.  I said it.  Anyway, here are these awesome blogs I check obsessively for updates every day:


